Below was one of my first finalized works using Nomad Sculpt on my iPad. I spent a lot of time figuring out lighting and composition, so although this is quite a basic figure to begin with, it taught me a lot of the basic of 3D that carry through to all the different softwares I'm able to use to create 3D models.
This is my first work created without following loose tutorials. I based it off of my own hamster, Vanilla, and her (not so) little cage. I started creating this piece in Blender, however due to some technical difficulties (Blender crashed) I lost the file, and decided to re-start it again in Nomad Sculpt. I learned some more about shadows and lighting as well as materials while making this. I was determined to put her in a small plastic ball as she has in the real world, but had some troubles with the clear materials. This will definitely be a future project for me to work on :)
This next series is one I have been working on regularly, creating a series of people around me and I am still pursuing this today. Here they are below, feel free to click on the images to get a brief description of each person behind the model!
This is myself, 23 years old Zoe. Pink is my favorite colour, and I spent a lot of time working on the glasses of this model, I achieved the look I was looking for. This is also the only model that doesn't have a body for some reason
This is myself, 23 years old Zoe. Pink is my favorite colour, and I spent a lot of time working on the glasses of this model, I achieved the look I was looking for. This is also the only model that doesn't have a body for some reason
This is myself, 23 years old Zoe. Pink is my favorite colour, and I spent a lot of time working on the glasses of this model, I achieved the look I was looking for. This is also the only model that doesn't have a body for some reason
This is myself, 23 years old Zoe. Pink is my favorite colour, and I spent a lot of time working on the glasses of this model, I achieved the look I was looking for. This is also the only model that doesn't have a body for some reason
This is myself, 23 years old Zoe. Pink is my favorite colour, and I spent a lot of time working on the glasses of this model, I achieved the look I was looking for. This is also the only model that doesn't have a body for some reason
This is myself, 23 years old Zoe. Pink is my favorite colour, and I spent a lot of time working on the glasses of this model, I achieved the look I was looking for. This is also the only model that doesn't have a body for some reason
This is myself, 23 years old Zoe. Pink is my favorite colour, and I spent a lot of time working on the glasses of this model, I achieved the look I was looking for. This is also the only model that doesn't have a body for some reason
This is myself, 23 years old Zoe. Pink is my favorite colour, and I spent a lot of time working on the glasses of this model, I achieved the look I was looking for. This is also the only model that doesn't have a body for some reason
This is Oscar, my boyfriend, I was really chlleneged with his lovely curly hair but I managed to learn some new skills and make it look similar to his actual hair!
This is Oscar, my boyfriend, I was really chlleneged with his lovely curly hair but I managed to learn some new skills and make it look similar to his actual hair!
This is Oscar, my boyfriend, I was really chlleneged with his lovely curly hair but I managed to learn some new skills and make it look similar to his actual hair!
This is Oscar, my boyfriend, I was really chlleneged with his lovely curly hair but I managed to learn some new skills and make it look similar to his actual hair!
This is Oscar, my boyfriend, I was really chlleneged with his lovely curly hair but I managed to learn some new skills and make it look similar to his actual hair!
This is Oscar, my boyfriend, I was really chlleneged with his lovely curly hair but I managed to learn some new skills and make it look similar to his actual hair!
This is Oscar, my boyfriend, I was really chlleneged with his lovely curly hair but I managed to learn some new skills and make it look similar to his actual hair!
This is Oscar, my boyfriend, I was really chlleneged with his lovely curly hair but I managed to learn some new skills and make it look similar to his actual hair!
This is my father, Julian, an arsenal fan and the best dad. He was the second model I created after myself and I am very proud of how similar I managed to make him look to myself
This is my father, Julian, an arsenal fan and the best dad. He was the second model I created after myself and I am very proud of how similar I managed to make him look to myself
This is my father, Julian, an arsenal fan and the best dad. He was the second model I created after myself and I am very proud of how similar I managed to make him look to myself
This is my father, Julian, an arsenal fan and the best dad. He was the second model I created after myself and I am very proud of how similar I managed to make him look to myself
This is my father, Julian, an arsenal fan and the best dad. He was the second model I created after myself and I am very proud of how similar I managed to make him look to myself
This is my father, Julian, an arsenal fan and the best dad. He was the second model I created after myself and I am very proud of how similar I managed to make him look to myself
This is my father, Julian, an arsenal fan and the best dad. He was the second model I created after myself and I am very proud of how similar I managed to make him look to myself
This is my father, Julian, an arsenal fan and the best dad. He was the second model I created after myself and I am very proud of how similar I managed to make him look to myself
This is Jen, I tried to replicate her lovely eyebrows with this one and I am proud of how they they came up. I also had the chance to work with longer hair for the first time which proved more challenging than expected
This is Jen, I tried to replicate her lovely eyebrows with this one and I am proud of how they they came up. I also had the chance to work with longer hair for the first time which proved more challenging than expected
This is Jen, I tried to replicate her lovely eyebrows with this one and I am proud of how they they came up. I also had the chance to work with longer hair for the first time which proved more challenging than expected
This is Jen, I tried to replicate her lovely eyebrows with this one and I am proud of how they they came up. I also had the chance to work with longer hair for the first time which proved more challenging than expected
This is Jen, I tried to replicate her lovely eyebrows with this one and I am proud of how they they came up. I also had the chance to work with longer hair for the first time which proved more challenging than expected
This is Jen, I tried to replicate her lovely eyebrows with this one and I am proud of how they they came up. I also had the chance to work with longer hair for the first time which proved more challenging than expected
And for a fun final touch to this chapter, here's a group photo that will get updated with every model I make in the future.
Although this is the extent of the 3D work I'm comfortable posting on my portfolio at the moment, feel free to have a look on my instagram for some more work. It does get updated slightly more regularly than this site, and you may see something new there first!

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